Geopeople (Available soon)


Location of “delicate people”, specially for their safety but also as an assurance for their family, friends, care and supporting institutions or old people’s homes. Children walking or playing without adult supervision or elderly with some type of dementia, no words can describe the utility of such a service.


For a more detailed explanation on the Geocar platform, consult or download the “User’s Manual”.


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GeoMachine (Available soon)


When applied to industrial or agricultural machines, the Geosate Location and Management service reveals itself of great utility in monitoring operation time in addition to all the advantages of localization in the frequent cases of theft.

One of the peculiarities of the Geosate service when applied to industrial or agricultural machines, is that the installation of the GPS receiver has an additional battery so that the service continues ensured even when using the cut-off system.


For a more detailed explanation on the Geocar platform, consult or download the “User’s Manual”.


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Localization services for governamental companies or departments.

Ex: Locators or the commonly designated bracelet for prisonners under house arrest.


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